Gears For Careers

Reach for high hanging fruit

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Low hanging fruit, the quick wins, everybody loves them. However, although more rewarding things usually take time and energy, don’t be tempted to put them off. Here are some suggestions.

Give up addiction to ‘easy’: Stop looking for what’s quick or comfortable. Trade what you think are safe bets for something that will help you learn and grow. Opportunities that lead to good fortune do not always present gift-wrapped. Be tenacious. Challenges are not fun, but use them as opportunities to bloom under pressure. As you go through challenges, notice how you are resolving issues, so that you get better at handling difficulty rather than looking for the easy way out.

Afford yourself aerial vision. Rise above the clutter. Don’t get caught up in the weeds or get sidetracked by what may at face value look like the most urgent things to tackle. You’re not going to ‘pluck’ any fruit if you are busy scratching the ground. Master the fundamentals to know what matters. When you rise above the clutter, you get a bigger view and are able to make good judgments about what you need to prioritise and give your attention accordingly.

Focus on your focus: Your focus should be those things you refuse to put at risk. Don’t say something is your focus and then go off in another direction doing a thousand other things. Release yourself from the trap of feeling you have to do everything as you risk getting weary in the process.

Know the seasons: There’s a time for preparing to achieve certain goals; doing the leg work and developing yourself. Don’t expect to reap where you have not planted. Pay your dues so you reap the harvest of your efforts at the right time.

Now take action: What one thing feels out of reach now that you’d like to work towards? Write down what first steps you’ll take towards this.

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